by Dan Wood

It  is  often  persumed  that the computer world still abides by the old
'rule'  that  computer users are the typical 19 year old spotty male who
spends  24  hours  in  his  room  typing  away at streams and streams of

Amiga  Format's  recent survey announced that 99.5% of their readers are
male (but there are probably more females who didn't return the surveys)
CU  Amiga says 97% of their readers are male, on a disk mag I work on we
have about 85% male, I think we have 14 female readers which compared to
other disk mags seems quite a large number.  But I think the main reason
for this is that in general men are more interested in getting to 'know'
the  machine and use them, there are as many (if not more) females using
computers  out there, but that's what the majority of them are..  USERS.
So obviously they won't buy the mags.

I  have  an  old A500 which is still at my parents place, and I tried to
get  my sister to 'like' the machine, and yeah, it's connected to telnet
and  CIX  and she and her friends go on the chat pages now and then, but
at  least  it's  better than nothing.  But the younger generation (and I
mean  under  20s)  are  getting  more  and more interested in computers,
because they are EVERY WHERE and you HAVE got to be able to use them for
most  jobs  these  days.  So boys, don't persume no girls use computers,
they do, they are just more quiet about it ...  now...
